Hello, this is Allison Field, and welcome to Create Your Blank, where we explore different topics energetically and share interviews with people who are creating their blank.
This is my vlog, and this is the first one, so it’s kind of a test.
I wanted to pop on and share what it takes to create love. That’s a huge topic. So, I looked up the definition of love.
Love is a complex emotion that can be defined as a deep feeling of affection and care for another person, also described as a feeling of strong attachment or devotion to someone.
There are many different kinds of love:
- Romantic love
- Brotherly or sisterly love with your siblings
- Parental love
- A love of a higher being
- A love of self
This morning, I was looking at my dog. Now, dogs, to me, are pure love. They are gifts from above that are essentially love. If you look at a dog, it’s quite sweet—because even if they’ve been hurt or injured, they do not lack love.
They are so fully present with you and whoever they’re with—it’s just unconditional love. You hear this over and over again: Dogs are man’s best friend. And it’s so true.
The Key to Love: Being Fully Present
I think the essence of love—and I am not an expert at love exactly—I am an expert at energy, and I’m also an expert at what not to do in relationships!But I think the key to relationships and to love is being fully present.
Being fully present with another person lets them know that you’re with them, that you hear them, that you’re sharing with them. Giving your space and time to another human being is, I think, love—caring and nurturing.
That is the one tip I always try to go back to when I’m with somebody else—to be fully present. That lets the other person know that you’re there and that you care.
How to Create More Love in Your Life
So, how do you create more love?
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I think energetically, one of the best ways is to make a list.
- Make a list of all the things that you love or that you want in another relationship.
- If you’re creating a new relationship, define what that is.
- If it’s not about a relationship, make a list of the things you want more of in your life.
That’s step one of manifesting anything—writing it down.
I’ve done this a couple of times with different relationships, where I wrote a “Dear God” letter and listed all the things I wanted in a relationship. And it was amazing—a couple of times, I got that and more.
So, you have to be specific—because you will get that and more! Even the things you didn’t include, you’ll get. Spirit, God—whatever you call it—I call it Gus—knows what you want in your heart.
Whether you write it down or not, whether you think about writing it down or actually do, Gus knows.
So, write your letter, date it, and then put it away. I’ve done this twice, and both times the relationships came to fruition—one within a month, and one within three months. I was astounded!
The first one—he was exactly what I had written down, and so much more. And then the second one—same thing. I was like, Dang, I should have written this! I should have written that! You really want to get specific with your request.
Adding Feeling to Your Intentions
When you’re writing your letter, think about your energy.
- What do you want more of in your life?
- More play? More fun? More freedom?
Tune into that energy and include it as part of your letter to Gus—or just write it as a journal entry. However you choose to capture it, writing it down is so much more powerful.
The Secret to Sustaining Love
Love is a choice. Love is a daily choice.
When you’re in relationships, it’s choosing who you want to be with and how you want to be with them.
The key to sustaining love is allowing the other person to be exactly as they are.
You cannot change another person. You cannot make them be a certain way. You have to allow them to be whoever they are, however they are.
You love them for all the things they are—and all the things they are not. That’s the key to sustaining a long-term relationship.
Final Thoughts
As you go about your day, think about:
- How can you create more love in your life?
- What kinds of love do you want to create more of?
The journal exercise is super easy, super cool—you can write anything in there. It allows you to reflect on what hasn’t worked in the past and what you want to bring newly into a new relationship. Or maybe it’s something brand new that you’re creating—something new you want to experiment with.
So, that’s it for the vlog this week. I hope you have the opportunity to bring more love into your life and experience love at a higher level.
And remember—look at the dogs. Look at how much love and joy they bring into our lives. Just by being fully present.
Have a beautiful day.